You can find out the job that matches your academic background and professional experience, if any, by just a click of the mouse.

CareerBuilder:  Useful for any type  job search according to your profile.

Yahoo! HotJobs: The site receives over appx 40,000,000 unique visits per month.

Monster: Appx 26,000,000 unique visits per month. Lists job offers for a wide spectrum of industries.

Indeed: appx 17,000,000 visitors per month, this website allows candidates to search jobs in a variety of industries.

Craigslist: Authentic job site with ‘real jobs’ listed in it.

USAJobs: Specialized job search engine for jobs in U.S.A. 

theLadders: Receives approximately 1,400,000 visitors a month.

Aol Jobs: Job search engine for American job seekers.

Dice: The website lists more than 80,677 technical jobs.

JobBankUSA: Since 1995, this website is offering employment solutions to American job seekers.

Jobster: The website allows employers to post their jobs for free.

EmploymentGuide: This website allows job seekers to perform customized job search based on their location and zip code.

Vault: This website receives 480,000 unique monthly visitors on an average.

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